
Oral Sedation Dentistry Oakville

Oral Sedation and Nitrous Oxide - Oral sedation, also known as conscious sedation or sedation dentistry, involves the administration of oral medications to help patients relax and alleviate anxiety during dental procedures. While both oral sedation and nitrous oxide serve the purpose of reducing patient anxiety and promoting relaxation, there are some key differences and similarities between the two methods.


Route of Administration: Nitrous oxide is administered through inhalation via a mask placed over the nose, while oral sedation involves taking medication orally, typically in the form of a pill or liquid.

Onset of Action: Nitrous oxide takes effect quickly, usually within minutes of administration, whereas oral sedation may take longer to take effect as it needs time to be absorbed into the bloodstream through the digestive system.

Level of Sedation: Nitrous oxide typically induces a mild to moderate level of sedation, allowing patients to remain conscious and responsive throughout the procedure. In contrast, oral sedation can produce a deeper level of sedation, ranging from moderate to deep sedation, depending on the type and dosage of medication administered. This may result in a drowsy or groggy state, and patients may have limited memory of the procedure. In this regard, oral sedation may also provide amnesia, while nitrous oxide does not.

Duration of Effect: Nitrous oxide has a relatively short duration of action and is quickly eliminated from the body after the mask is removed, allowing patients to recover quickly and resume normal activities. Oral sedation, on the other hand, may have a longer-lasting effect, and patients may experience lingering drowsiness or impairment for a period of time after the procedure.



Anxiety Reduction: Both nitrous oxide and oral sedation are effective in reducing patient anxiety and promoting relaxation during dental procedures, making them valuable tools for patients with dental phobia or anxiety.

Consciousness Maintenance: While oral sedation can produce a deeper level of sedation compared to nitrous oxide, both methods allow patients to remain conscious and responsive throughout the procedure. Patients can still respond to verbal cues from the dentist and maintain awareness of their surroundings.

Safety: When administered by trained dental professionals, both nitrous oxide and oral sedation are considered safe sedative options for dental procedures. However, patients' medical history and individual health factors should be carefully considered to determine the most appropriate sedation method for each patient.

Overall, both nitrous oxide and oral sedation offer valuable options for managing patient anxiety and discomfort during dental procedures. The choice between the two methods depends on factors such as the patient's level of anxiety, the type of procedure being performed, and their medical history. Collaboration between the patient and the dental team is essential in determining the most suitable sedation approach for each individual case. Sedation is also generally covered by benefit plans.

At Bhandari Dental, our patient's comfort and convenience always come first. Contact us today for more information or to book an appointment.

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